Prostate Care --FAQ
Ayurveda Formula --FAQ
Q: What is Ayurstate?
A: Ayurstate contains the most potent prostate rejuvenating herbal concentrates available in Ayurvedic Science. When formulated in the correct amounts and blended by our proprietary process, Ayurstate will decrease the size of your prostate and reduce urethra inflammation by inhibiting the production of damaging metabolites and enzymes. Ayurstate will also improve your urine flow, semen production, and ejaculation control. The destructive effect of stomach acids on active herbal ingredients have prevented the introduction of this ancient wisdom in capsule form for centuries. The team at India Herbs has solved this problem by developing a potentiating formula in conjunction with natural absorption catalysts and bioenhancing capsule coating to prevent premature degradation of key constituents.
Q: How does Ayurstate work?
A: Ayurstate nourishes and stimulates the exocrine glands to relieve effects of prostate-related problems by normalizing the size of your prostate and keeping it from getting larger as a result of exposure to excess estrogen. This is accomplished through inhibition of polyamines and prostaglandins in the prostate. Ayurstate also supports and balances the healthy flow of urine by toning smooth muscles located in the urinogenital system and reducing inflammation of the urethra and prostate gland. In the long-term, Ayurstate aids in the maintenance of sexual health and reproductive vitality by rejuvenating the prostate gland at the cellular level.
Q: What is the dosage?
A: Take two capsules daily, preferably with a meal. That's all. Ayurstate is natural and herbal.
Q: Are there any side-effects?
A: No. Ayurstate capsules are comprised of a non-prescription formula that is safe for you to consume. All ingredients have been deemed safe for human consumption by the FDA.
Q: Who should order Ayurstate?
A: You should order Ayurstate if you want to successfully manage your prostate health with a proven herbal formula. This product is doctor approved. It is all natural. And its science has been tested and proven over the course of 5,000 years.
Q: How long before I see results?
Here is a realistic timetable for what you can expect when Ayurstate is used in conjunction with a balanced diet / exercise program and sufficient rest:
Week One Through Week Four
During this period, you will feel more relaxed and less discomfort during urination. Full bladder sensation will dissipate and you will experience less pain in the pelvic area. You will be able to sleep better at night and wake up feeling more energetic!
Week Four Through Week Eight
Now you will start to notice marked improvements in your urogenital system. Your urination cycle will be normalized as recurrent, sudden, and urgent need to urinate is suppressed. You will no longer need to strain or exert yourself to urinate. As your prostate size is reduced, your ejaculations will become more significant and pleasurable.
Week Nine And Beyond
Most inflammation and pain will be gone. Urination will be normalized. Your reproductive system will be functioning at full throttle again. As your anxieties are removed, increased sensitivity of your erogenous zones along with higher sex drive, supreme erections, and powerful ejaculations will allow you to enjoy more sexual pleasure and intense orgasms. Your confidence and self-esteem will be renewed as all restrictions to activities are removed. Life will be more carefree!
Q: How Does Ayurstate Compare With Western Medicines?
A: Ayurstate is an all natural, herbal formula with no side effects. In addition, you benefit from the herbal constituents nourishing and strengthening your overall body and mind long-term.
Article Proposed by...
Herbs As Remedies

Ayurveda Formula --FAQ
Q: What is Ayurstate?
A: Ayurstate contains the most potent prostate rejuvenating herbal concentrates available in Ayurvedic Science. When formulated in the correct amounts and blended by our proprietary process, Ayurstate will decrease the size of your prostate and reduce urethra inflammation by inhibiting the production of damaging metabolites and enzymes. Ayurstate will also improve your urine flow, semen production, and ejaculation control. The destructive effect of stomach acids on active herbal ingredients have prevented the introduction of this ancient wisdom in capsule form for centuries. The team at India Herbs has solved this problem by developing a potentiating formula in conjunction with natural absorption catalysts and bioenhancing capsule coating to prevent premature degradation of key constituents.
Q: How does Ayurstate work?
A: Ayurstate nourishes and stimulates the exocrine glands to relieve effects of prostate-related problems by normalizing the size of your prostate and keeping it from getting larger as a result of exposure to excess estrogen. This is accomplished through inhibition of polyamines and prostaglandins in the prostate. Ayurstate also supports and balances the healthy flow of urine by toning smooth muscles located in the urinogenital system and reducing inflammation of the urethra and prostate gland. In the long-term, Ayurstate aids in the maintenance of sexual health and reproductive vitality by rejuvenating the prostate gland at the cellular level.
Q: What is the dosage?
A: Take two capsules daily, preferably with a meal. That's all. Ayurstate is natural and herbal.
Q: Are there any side-effects?
A: No. Ayurstate capsules are comprised of a non-prescription formula that is safe for you to consume. All ingredients have been deemed safe for human consumption by the FDA.
Q: Who should order Ayurstate?
A: You should order Ayurstate if you want to successfully manage your prostate health with a proven herbal formula. This product is doctor approved. It is all natural. And its science has been tested and proven over the course of 5,000 years.
Q: How long before I see results?
Here is a realistic timetable for what you can expect when Ayurstate is used in conjunction with a balanced diet / exercise program and sufficient rest:
Week One Through Week Four
During this period, you will feel more relaxed and less discomfort during urination. Full bladder sensation will dissipate and you will experience less pain in the pelvic area. You will be able to sleep better at night and wake up feeling more energetic!
Week Four Through Week Eight
Now you will start to notice marked improvements in your urogenital system. Your urination cycle will be normalized as recurrent, sudden, and urgent need to urinate is suppressed. You will no longer need to strain or exert yourself to urinate. As your prostate size is reduced, your ejaculations will become more significant and pleasurable.
Week Nine And Beyond
Most inflammation and pain will be gone. Urination will be normalized. Your reproductive system will be functioning at full throttle again. As your anxieties are removed, increased sensitivity of your erogenous zones along with higher sex drive, supreme erections, and powerful ejaculations will allow you to enjoy more sexual pleasure and intense orgasms. Your confidence and self-esteem will be renewed as all restrictions to activities are removed. Life will be more carefree!
Q: How Does Ayurstate Compare With Western Medicines?
A: Ayurstate is an all natural, herbal formula with no side effects. In addition, you benefit from the herbal constituents nourishing and strengthening your overall body and mind long-term.
Article Proposed by...
Herbs As Remedies
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