Get Your India Herbs Today and Solve Many Health Problems !

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Migraine - Headache and...

Your Detoxification System

A toxin is defined as any compound that has a detrimental effect on cell function or structure; some toxins cause minimal negative effects while others can be fatal. Toxins damage the body in an insidious and cumulative manner. The body naturally processes toxins through the liver, kidneys, and lower intestines. These organs must function optimally for toxins to be adequately removed from the body before they damage tissue. If your detoxification system becomes overtaxed, toxic metabolites (by-products of metabolism) gradually accumulate and wreak havoc on normal body processes. Since all of your organs and functions are intimately connected, when basic body processes breakdown, your entire body deteriorates.

For example, the human body is composed of about 60 trillion cells of various shapes and functions. Every cell and tissue in the body is nourished by nutrients in the blood stream which are supplied through the intestines. The digestive tract converts food into valuable nutrients which are subsequently absorbed by the body. During this process, the digestive system produces a mucous substance which is normally excreted together with other waste matter. However, diets rich in processed foods and poor in fiber prevent proper elimination of this substance. As small amounts accumulate along the walls of the digestive tract, sluggish bowel movement and constipation occurs.

As colon walls cake up and passages of the colon get narrower and narrower, the digestive process of toxin extraction from food and elimination from the body becomes ineffective leading to a toxic colon condition. Undigested fecal matter in the body is one of the leading causes of diseases. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the average American male aged 50 has between 5 and 22 pounds of compacted fecal matter stuck in his digestive system. The subsequent contamination of the intestines leads to toxins entering the blood, tissues, and organs, and contaminating them as well.

The largest internal organ in the body is the liver. The liver works by both filtering toxins directly and by altering toxins so that they can be removed during other stages of detoxification. The liver filters toxins from about one liter of blood every minute. Some of these toxins are endotoxins (produced in the body) and exotoxins (from outside the body). These wastes are eliminated by the kidneys or the colon. Other toxins, composed of compounds that are difficult for the liver to filter, must be broken down with enzymes so that they can be removed. A properly functioning liver is vital to your health.

Serious toxin overload of the liver can easily occur. Toxins released from the liver must leave the body through the colon and kidneys. If a person is constipated, the toxins are not eliminated and are instead reabsorbed back into the liver. This occurs while new exotoxins are continually introduced into the body through medication, pesticides, cigarette smoke, pollution, impurities in food, bacteria, and other problematic substances in the environment; and concurrently new endotoxins are created in the body due to stress and lack of exercise.

The resulting blood pollution puts tremendous strain on the kidneys which normally process 200 quarts of blood daily to sift out waste products to keep blood clean and chemically balanced. The road to disease is soon paved with an improperly functioning liver, gummed up excretory system, strained kidneys, and a slew of toxins that bind to enzymes at the cellular level and neutralize them causing cells to stop functioning properly.

This toxin buildup initially expresses itself through minor symptoms like sluggishness, headaches, and acne, but later leads to life-threatening ailments like cancer, organ failure, and hormonal imbalances which cause obesity and diabetes. A study by the Columbia University School of Public Health estimates that 95 percent of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity. Most Americans have between 400 and 800 chemicals stored in their bodies typically in fat cells.

Resulting Health Problems

Digestive clogging, liver overload, failing kidneys,
and toxin buildup are known to cause the
following health problems:

Altered Metabolism
Bad Breath
Body Odor
Colon Cancer
Dry skin
Ear Aches
Endocrine Disorders
Enzyme Dysfunction
Frequent Colds
Hormonal Imbalances
Kidney Failure
Loss of Appetite
Migraines & Headaches
Mood Swings
Muscle Cramps
Nausea & Vomiting
Neurological Disorders
Nutritional Deficiencies
Poor Appetite
Poor Memory and Concentration
Pre-mature Aging
Reproductive Disorders
Sinus Problems
Skin Blemishes
Skin Rashes
Stiff Joints
Weakened Immune System
Weight Gain

Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurveda, the science of life, prevention, and longevity, is the oldest and most holistic and comprehensive medical system available. Its fundamentals can be found in Hindu scriptures called the Vedas - the ancient Indian books of wisdom written over 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda uses the inherent principles of nature to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individual's body, mind, and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature.

India Herbs has a seasoned group of Ayurvedic doctors specialized in Kaya Chikitsa, one of the eight major specialties of Ayurveda that deals with Internal Medicine. It is the branch of Ayurveda that offers therapies for purification and detoxification. Kaya Chikitsa dwells deep into defining the root cause of a disease and prescribes the therapeutic use of various herbal medicines and holistic treatments for enhancing the capabilities and vigor of your body's detoxification system while strengthening the body and overall well-being.

India Herbs' Kaya Chikitsa doctors combine a proprietary herbal formula based on centuries' old wisdom with advice on diet, exercise, mental training, and relaxation to help men and women achieve their peak and overcome toxicity concerns through safe, natural means.

You can clean your body and optimize your long-term health by:

1) Reversing Damage - Years of continual toxin ingestion have caused damage to your detoxification system. To help reverse this, Ayurtox releases hundreds of phytonutrients that act at the molecular level to remove metabolic waste and toxins from your body, stimulate and tone your gastrointestinal system, improve circulation, nourish muscle and connective tissues, prime vital organs like the liver and kidneys, strengthen your immune system, and soothe your nervous system to restore natural balance and harmony to your body.

2) Limiting Harmful Foods - Avoid processed and canned foods, dairy products (especially cheese), and junk foods which are full of toxins, low in nutritional value, and lack dietary fiber.

3) Eating Healthy Foods - Consume plenty of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Regularly eat home-cooked meals (without MSG or artificial sweeteners). Raw and slightly steamed vegetables are best for vitamins and nutrients. Dried beans and other dried items are better for cooking than canned foods.

4) Drinking Purified Water - Use a reputable water filtration system to ensure the cleanest possible water is available for your household. Water coming from public water supplies will at the least contain contaminants from old piping and usually has bacteria.

5) Increasing Fluid Intake - Purified water and freshly squeezed juices help flush toxins from your body. If possible, consume only broths, pureed vegetables, water, and juices to treat your body to a liquid diet and reduce burden to your digestive system one day a week.

6) Drinking Herbal Teas - Teas made from Fenugreek, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Spearmint help promote urination and bowel movement and remove mucus along with trapped viruses and bacteria from the body.

7) Treating Constipation - Take natural laxatives like Psyllium to ensure regular bowel movements which help prevent toxins from building up in the digestive tract.

8) Undertaking Spa Therapy - Steam bath, sauna, and massage help loosen toxins and remove them from your body.

9) Seeking Relaxation - Strive to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night and find quiet time for at least 5 minutes of meditation daily. Allowing your body to recuperate and keeping your mind at ease helps balance your nervous system and minimize harmful hormones produced by stressful living.

10) Reducing Exposure to Toxins - Avoid using artificial air fresheners, switch to natural brands of toiletries (cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste), and use natural cleaning products.
More on ...Ayurtox

Hope this Help !

Roger Bail
for Herbs As Remedies


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